Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Come On Die Young

Currently Reading: The Shack by William P. Young and The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
Currently Hearing: Mogwai on iTunes Shuffle

Alright, so I am back in Korea now, and have been steadily unpacking...
I feel pretty good about the upcoming year...
I have color-coordinated my dress pants in my closet (this will probably last a week or so once I start wearing them) and am currently tackling the tough issue of where to put my shirts...
Sheesh - rough life, huh?

Anyways, I am really big into going into my iTunes and selecting an artist and putting it on shuffle and letting it just play.

I guess lately I have been thinking a lot about being in the ministry and being able/prepared to "lead" others. I find great honor and responsibility comes with ministering, and there are so many unanswered questions I have about my faith, how it relates to society, politics, how I feel about certain things, who Jesus really is, and all of that jazz. Basically, I am taking all of my "unsure-ness" about my personal faith and letting it hatch into insecurities about serving others as a minister. At the same time, I want to have a faith that is articulated in my spirit that I am confidently working out and constantly evaluating rather than some sort of vague characteristic that I have merely taken on as a part of who I am. I want to be an honest Christ-follower and have a sense of intellectual, moral, and spiritual integrity when I think about my faith. There are so many things to think about in trying to figure out the kind of church you want to establish and the type of results you hope for (not that the Church should be viewed in terms of marketing or even that every person should be the same in your church - far from it! I am just saying, I should hope that as a church, people would be inspired to love and place importance in certain things about the faith).

So, that is what I have been floating on for a while now...

Any thoughts (anybody with ministry experience that can help me out?)



Anonymous said...

Love where your head... and heart is right now man! My thoughts? Keep wrestling!!! Don't let go. Find the heart of God! REdiscover what you love about your faith and how to infuse that into a community setting (church). Find your voice! Don't let go... except maybe of yourself a little bit (great title for this post). I think I'm tracking with you because I feel I'm in a bit of the same boat! Look forward to where this journey takes you! Blessings on you man... ALL the way over there! :)

Anonymous said...

btw... a book you may enjoy... The Reason for God. Tim Keller

kristen elisa said...

I'm goin to attend your church one day. :) Happily.

Micah Andrews said...

What kind of church? Keep this in mind... the way you are, the way you think, the way you like and dislike, are uniquely you. Your church/ministry will also be uniquely you. What is "in" you will be what draws others to Him. (in my best Korean accent)

"Yu juss so buwiful"

Alright, that made me laugh at myself. Remember this, "no more food for you... you been here for 4 hour."