Sunday, October 4, 2009

Two Things:

1.) Read this:
"Since God's sovereign rule and all the benefits for our material needs come from God to us, this passage [Matthew 6:19-34] suggests by implication that we can become a part of God's redemptive force in history by sharing these benefits with those who are in need.... Part of the presence of the Kingdom is indeed material blessings. Therefore, we can hardly live under God's reign, receive his blessings, and not use them to help alleviate the evil of hunger and need elsewhere.... Not only do we recognize that all we have comes from God, but we also recognize that sharing that with others to remove their suffering is to defeat the enemy and to 'seek the Kingdom... on earth as in heaven'" (Guelich, Sermon on the Mount, 373).

2.) Watch this:
If you like Bon Iver, then you will obviously like this (recognize the voice?)