Friday, October 9, 2009

Would You Always maybe sometimes make it easy

Currently Reading: The Global Dictionary of Theology
Currently Hearing: Veckatimest by Grizzly Bear
Currently Anticipating: Cornel West at Pepperdine and Friday Sabbath

I am sitting in the library currently preparing for Systematic Theology.
Right now, all I can think about is how helpful being able to explain the use of analogies during the rise of modernism and "metaphysical reductionism" to my church members is going to be to their troubled marriage and/or rebellious pre-teen son. I mean, can't little Derrick see how modernist ideals have caused him to build a metaphorical roof over himself, leading to a privatization of his own person, ultimately causing him to adopt the understanding that perverted ideals have no bearing on his ability to judge things objectively? Clearly, if he can understand this, he is well on the way towards spiritual and emotional healing - even flourishing.


toblogwithblogger said...

Stay in the real world, theology boy.