Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Oh, hello there.

I'm glad I am not the only one who thinks that small groups can be really awkward.

Here's what Jon Bloom (Desiring God) has to say:

"Small groups should never be confused with the deep, organic fellowship we have with our closest friends. Small groups are simply bite-sized portions of a larger church where we seek to carry out the one another commands with other believers. We ought to expect some awkwardness in them because, like any church, they should include some people we would likely never choose as our intimates, but who still need to be loved and cared for, especially the needy who we naturally shy away from. And we need something in our lives to put us near to them because those people require a kind of sanctifying love from us that is rarely if ever called out of us with those with whom we share a natural chemistry. SG’s can be hard because loving one another can be hard."


toblogwithblogger said...

oh my thoughts exactly. That's awesome.
They're so awkward. Give me 2 good friends instead...