Currently Hearing: Songs Will Write The Words by Twothirtyeight
Currently Hating: My Job by GVCS
Currently Confused By: Predestination by God?
Well, the day is over, and I am rejoicing - dinner will come shortly in the teacher cafeteria, and it means I don't have to spend money on dinner...
I wish I had a thought-provoking topic of conversation to spur a debate, but in order to make that happen, I need 2 things: a.) a thought-provoking topic and b.) adoring fans. I am still boggled over the concept of being a noted blogger, but I guess all I can do is persevere, because perseverance breeds hope...
Anyways, I have a poem that I read today that I would like to share with my faithful friends (especially Jesse)...
by Coleman Barks
The internet says science is not sure
how cats purr, probably
a vibration of the whole larynx,
unlike what we do when we talk.
Less likely, a blood vessel
moving across the chest wall.
As a child I tried to make every cat I met
purr. That was one of the early miracles,
the stroking to perfection.
Here is something I have never heard:
a feline purrs in two conditions,
when deeply content and when
mortally wounded, to calm themselves,
readying for the death-opening.
The low frequency evidently helps
to strengthen bones and heal
damaged organs.
Say poetry is a human purr,
vessel mooring in the chest,
a closed-mouthed refuge, the feel
of a glide through dying.
One winter morning on a sunny chair,
inside this only body,
a far-off inboard motorboat
sings the empty room, urrrrrrrhhhh
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Best of Times, The Worst of Times...
Posted by
5:14 PM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
9 Years, 29 Albums
Currently Hearing: Songs About Leaving by Carissa's Wierd
Well, I just found out my BFF (takin' it back to 8th grade) started a blog, which made me incredibly happy...
Obviously, since I wrote about it and wished for it to happen it did (for all of the thousands of new followers of this blog, I am referring to the fact that I wanted this blog to become famous) - So, for all of you that read this, I think his blog is titled , so go check it out...
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
I have some possibly big plans that I have been mulling over in my mind for weeks now...
I am narrowing down options for graduate schools - and, at this point, I am very interested in Fuller Theological Seminary...
I have spoken to a good friend that just moved out there, and hopefully I will be able to visit when I am in the States over Christmas break...
So, maybe after a school year of trying to teach a bunch of Asian kids about the importance of acknowledging the divinity of Christ and trying to make sure they don't think God is a cruel punisher, I just might float on out West and get some more "smarts."
Posted by
4:24 AM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
Currently Hearing: Don't Scuff Up Your Soul
500 pieces means 500 float.
1000 people means 500 don't.
Posted by
1:34 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
In Athens...
Currently Reading: (Just Read the Post)
Currently Hearing: Dirty and Left Out by The Almost
Acts 17:24
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each of us."
I don't claim to know everything about Scripture, nor would I ever claim to. However, I do know that I can cling to that phrase. God is so much closer than we realize. I think once we begin to wrap our minds around this idea, it can completely revolutionize everything in our very cores. Too many times, I tend to view God as the white-bearded, distant, aloof Judge that is waiting to kick my butt or knock me back in line. It is so simple for me to forget that God the Son came in the flesh! God couldn't have come any closer to humanity! That is truly insane to think about. Not only did Jesus, the Christ, come to earth, but while he was here, he revealed the Father to the fullest - yes, that same Father that I think is sitting around waiting to bust my soul's chops. And, there's more! After Jesus left to prepare a place for us, he sent the Holy Spirit so that we may continue to experience God with us. This is so amazing. I pray that we, the followers of Christ, see this continuity between the members of the Trinity and let it truly revolutionize every aspect of our lives.
Posted by
1:24 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Mob Mentality?
Well, everyone...
I have a new life goal (for those of you who know me - surprise, surprise)
I want to make my blog famous...
I am not sure how to make that happen, but maybe the 3 of you that read this every once in a while can become my street team...
I am not sure how to do it, but maybe you can help!
I am calling on you, America.
I need your talents, your abilities, your time, your resources, your prayers.
Help me.
In doing so, you are only helping yourself.
Oh, quick question...
I am just now watching the RNC speech by Palin, and it has me thinking...
A lot...
What do you think of the Christian's role in politics?
Any takers?
(This is one of those things that would be really great if a lot of people read this)
Maybe when I write a book and people start reading my really trendy blog, then I can ask this question again...
Posted by
1:01 PM
Playlists & College Writing Activities
Currently Reading: Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Currently Hearing: You Remind Me of Home by Benjamin Gibbard
Okay, so...
My last semester of college, my poetry professor gave us this warm-up at the beginning of class, and I loved it. Basically, all you do is write "I believe" at the top of your paper and just start jotting down things you believe. Here goes a spontaneous blog entry...
"I believe"...
God is real. Life hurts sometimes. Burt's Beeswax Lip Balm is sent to us from heaven. Christ is not truly embodied by the vast majority of Christians (including myself). Books are always a good investment. You have to go on a road trip before you die. The same angels that delivered humans the sacred Lip Balm of Burt also led humankind to stumble upon the coffee bean. Having crazy dreams that make no sense is awesome. Dudes look better with facial hair - no exception. The kingdom of God is hardly being realized by most. Due to the aforementioned statement, God has to have a crazy amount of patience and grace. Buying that expensive fabric softener at Costco was well worth it. Lots of things are easier said than done. Life is all about the journey. I beat myself up too much sometimes. Hardly anything can compete with a great day in the Fall. My Mom and Dad love me. I've gotten to do a lot of awesome stuff in 23 years. My life is statistically almost 1/3 over. I should start doing push-ups. A really good movie is a hard find. Being like Christ and being spiritually pompous don't equate. People who are good at painting and love it are awesome. Money sucks. The role of the Christian in politics is extremely confusing. Breakdancing is an art form. Falling in love with a new artist changes everything. Sleeping until your body naturally wakes up is the greatest. I want more education.
Give it a try...
Let me know what comes up
Posted by
1:52 AM
Thursday, September 4, 2008
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Currently Reading: Unity in New Testament Perspective by William Loader
Currently Hearing: Apples are Not the Cause of Sin (a playlist of worship songs composed by my dear friend Jesse Pickott)
"If [the vision of universal unity] is to remain close to Jesus' vision, the vision of unity needs to be taken so seriously that it works itself into present reality in all its aspects. It cannot be truncated to inter-church unity, but must retain its character of being a vision of justice and peace for all peoples and for the whole creation. Inter-church unity only makes sense within this broader context; otherwise it looks all too much like a ghetto strategy for survival."
Oh shoot.
This is from an article I found by someone I have never heard of. This statement blew my mind. What do you think?
Posted by
4:40 PM
Monday, September 1, 2008
Back to the Ironing Board
Currently Reading: An Exposition on the Apostles Creed
Currently Hearing: All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone by Explosions in the Sky
School has started back, so now I throw on a tie 2 or 3 days a week and am consumed by Global Vision Christian School 5 days a week, at least...
I can't really talk, because I need to get dressed, but I just wanted all of you out there to know that I am still alive...
A year from know is slowly moving towards me like a slow, steady wave...
Posted by
6:58 AM