Monday, March 31, 2008

If I Make It To Heaven, I May Be As Bloody As Hell...

Currently Reading: Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
Currently Listening To: Seven Swans by Sufjan Stevens

Here I am, sitting here, and I just sort of feel like writing...
Some days it seems like I am on the right track, doing a pretty good job, pretty close to God, all that jazz...
Then other days, I feel like I have so far to go, and that I and so spiritually immature and anemic...
(NOTE: This is not a "boo-hoo" blog or me complaining - it's really kind of positive, so don't read this and hear me agonizing with a sense of desperation)

I woke up this morning and decided to walk to the store in our apartment complex to buy some candy for my homeroom, and I just started singing "Center" by Charlie Hall...
I was just kind of making it my prayer, altering the lyrics to make it personal...
"Christ, be the center of my life, be the place I fix my eyes"
Then I started wondering the reason why I pray, the reason why I talk to God, the reason I want to be close to God, the reason why I try and communicate with Jesus...
I couldn't help but wonder if I do it because I feel like it is something I need to do to be a good person/Christian, or if I am doing because I truly want to be close to the One who gave up their life for me, so that I could have the ability and freedom to be in a relationship with them...
Donald Miller talks about how (and I am paraphrasing) grace is an invitation to relationship, and the rejection of grace is pretty much like a slap in God's face...
Also, John Ortberg speaks of grace as being viewed as a way of life...
Everything we are given every day can be seen as an outpouring of the mystery that is God's grace...

Hopefully, with God's grace (haha), I can somehow better understand that mysterious gift that I have been given, and operate joyfully and freely in this gift rather than being bogged down by the rules and laws I place on myself...


Micah Andrews said...

Dude... I've been trying to get back with you but my dumb computer is so screwed up... so I am the Hoover Library as we speak (well, not speak but you know). Great to hear from you. I should have known that S Korea would be somewhere I would expect to cross paths with you. Karie was so excited when I told her what you were doing. Teaching is something she obviously believes in. Things are great here and I'd love to catch up a little bit more with you. I cant upload to my blogsite or respond to comments from home right now but email me at Great to hear from you. I'm also gonna link you to my site... if you dont want that tell me and I'll remove it. Great to hear from you.

Peace in the far east?
