Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Final Countdown

Currently Listening To: Duper Sessions by Sondre Lerche

(Please tell me you know this power metal anthem)

I have 4.5 weeks of teaching left...
6 weeks of actual school...
After last night, backpacking China is still a go...

Now, I was inspired by my friend Phil Harris after reading his blog (which you can access through my favorites in the top right corner)...

Some Things I Love:

- Black Coffee
- Sneakers
- Pizza
- My iPod (just got the 160 gb - booyakasha)
- Remembering my dreams
- Inside jokes
- Cold pillows
- Dreamland (best ribs ever)
- Chips & salsa (something I desperately lack here)
- Washing my hands
- Adventure
- Road trips
- Candid photographs
- Surviving a long run
- Bread

These are just some of the top of my head (and, I haven't had breakfast, so most of them are about food - whoops)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the 'holler'! I love me black coffee too! Hope you're doing well. Have you made a decision about returning to Korea?