Friday, May 9, 2008

Yesterday, the Well Went Dry...

Currently Listening To: Noni's Field by Anathallo

First of all, this new Anathallo song is absolutely incredible...
I go to their MySpace and listen to it multiple times a day...
Check them out, it will be well worth it...

I have tons of stuff going on my mind right now...
I am sure I will type it out later...
For now, it is all just floating around in my noggin...

Anyways, in all of my life-speculation and slight senses of panic, I came across a quote that I might very well be floating on in a state of metaphysicality for a while:

"But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin."

This is basically the story of my life at this point, as terrifying as it might sound when I actually think about the implications of a life that is lived in this way...
However, a life like this will be so much more rewarding...
Let's do it, YHWH...
This little addage might just do a good bit to revolutionize my life...
Absolutely awe-some...
