This is my first video upload with my Flip video camera...
Let's take this thing for a ride...
One of our friends, Josh, is here for the break...
He is a teacher in China...
So, Diana, he, and I went to Seoul to hang out for the day...
The following footage is the result...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Testing, Testing...
Posted by
4:18 PM
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
There is Grief in Wisdom...
Currently Hearing: No Wings to Speak of by .hopesfall.
Santa Claus, please hear my cries to you...
In my anguish, do not cast me out...
I need this...
Posted by
2:13 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
You Hold Everything Together...
Currently Hearing: Psalm 3 by David
Currently Feeling: Out of Shape After a Short Run by the Ever-So-Humbling Treadmill
So, I started a plan to read through the Bible in a year...
I had been going through on my own from beginning to end, but I found a great plan on the website of Bethlehem Baptist Church that actually is composed of 4 short readings each day so that you read a portion of the Gospels, a part of the remainder of the New Testament (beginning in Acts), a Psalm/passage from Proverbs, and the Old Testament (starting in Genesis, minus Psalms and/or Proverbs). You can find the reading plan here. It is really great because, as the plan indicates, it allows the reader to better grasp the unity of the Scriptures (and I strongly believe that the Bible should be seen and read as a whole) and is built to not be overwhelming, but enjoyable.
So, I was reading Psalm 3, and I came across this in verse 5:
"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me" (NIV).
All I can say is, "Wow..."
How often do we take for granted that the only reason we are able to open our weary eyes in the morning is because of the hand of the Almighty Lord sustaining our very existence...
Incredible, absolutely incredible...
Reading this awe-inspiring verse reminded me of Colossians 1:15-17:
"[Christ] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together" (NIV).
The author of Hebrews states, when speaking of Christ:
"but in these last days [God] has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir af all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word..." (Heb 1:1-3a NIV).
Christ, our Lord, is prophesied about by David, Jesus' very ancestor, when the man after God's own heart makes the bold, yet God-glorifying claim that the very reason that we can rise in the morning with breath in our lungs is due to the Supreme Christ, Maker of all things in heaven and on earth...
Paul and the author of Hebrews go on in the New Testament to note the glory of Christ by asserting that he sustains all things in the universe - that means us! How often do we neglect the immense power of the crucified Lord and his role presently in creation? Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, holding all things in creation in their proper place. Judging from these passages, I can do nothing but argue that God is much more than a mere influence over His creation. Rather, he is the very giver of life and order in the universe through the power of his word.
It is my prayer that we would begin to fully recognize the power and glory of God and His control over all creation and praise a God that is fully in control of all things in heaven and on earth.
May the Name of Christ Be Made Great
Posted by
9:24 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Pizza: The Cost of True Happiness
Currently Hearing: Tons of Sermons by Mark Driscoll
Currently Reading: Suffering and the Sovereignty of God by Various Authors
Currently Craving: Pizza, Pizza, Pizza by Pizza King
5 Pet Peeves
1.) Audiobooks
2.) Short Sink Faucets
3.) Musicals
4.) Mosquitos
5.) Dropping Something, Only to Pick it Up and Drop it Again
Now you know me a little better...
Posted by
4:08 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I Need a Voice That's Louder than Mine...
Currently Hearing: Phil Wickham
Currently Reading: Suffering and the Sovereignty of God by John Piper
Currently Awaiting: Thanksgiving in Tokyo by the Merciful Hand of God
I just recently finished a book by John Piper known as Spectacular Sins and their Global Purpose in the Glory of Christ. It was absolutely amazing. I have just finished the first chapter of another book in which Piper made a contribution that is closely related to this topic (see above for title). The idea of God's sovereignty has been an issue of much contemplation and study lately, and, to be honest, has really revolutionized my view of God. Understanding God's sovereignty in a fuller extent has done so much to deepen my sense of awe and humility when I approach God. The best part about this is, you too can benefit from the amazing resources of Piper by merely clicking here!
In his book Spectacular Sins, he discusses the role of God and God's sovereignty in such sinful acts as the Tower of Babel's construction, the Fall, the selling of Joseph into slavery, and the death of Christ. All of these events, as Piper argues, bring about the glory of Christ.
You seriously need to check out some of this stuff.
This pastor does amazing theology that is bound to Scriptural truth (as if there is really any other way), always pointing to Christ, and is aimed at empowering the believer to a fuller reliance in the Supreme God.
Absolutely incredible.
May You Grow in the Love of Knowledge of Christ,
Posted by
2:21 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Korean Grammar for International Learners...
Currently Hearing: For Emma, Forever Ago by Bon Iver
Currently Looking Forward To: My Trip to Tokyo by Thanksgiving Break
Currently Confused About: How I Got This Huge Jelly Stain On My Pants by The Part of Me That Doesn't Want to Pay for Dry Cleaning
Does anyone else CONSTANTLY receive the same Spam in their e-mail?
I am not sure how I deserve this, but some guy named Michael Vincent is really looking out for me...
He keeps e-mailing me every couple of days or so...
I guess he is working really hard for me, because I keep getting e-mails with the same subject title - "I found a new job for you"
So, I am not sure about who you are or why you are so dilligent about finding me new jobs, Michael Vincent...
But, thank you, you virus-bearing Spam cyborg...
Posted by
4:18 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Pepero Day!
Currently Hearing: No Good for No One Now by Owen
Currently Loving: Facebook Chat by the Internet Version of Nicotine
First of all, as suggested by the title, today is Pepero Day in Korea!
Apparently, if you find a box of these little devils made out of white chocolate, you get 1,000 bucks - so, the nationwide search is on...
Anyways, the question for the day is:
When can you know the difference between imposing your idea of how people should act on others and challenging them to stretch their personality?
In other words, who is to say your form of action is right for them?
What do you think?
Posted by
2:00 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
Calling All Mutants...
Currently Hearing: Singalong by Phil Wickham
Currently Reading: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Currently Delaying: The Blatant Fact That I Really Need to Pee by My Body
So, I came to a stunning realization yesterday...
Some call them spiritual gifts, some call them super powers...
Others might just label it sheer coincidence...
I say - call it what you may...
The fact still remains...
If you want to meet your husband, then you should date me and/or we should become somewhat romantically involved...
Now - if we end up getting married, then your problem is solved...
However, if that doesn't happen, then it is virtually a scientific fact that the next male that you encounter will, in fact, be your groom...
In doing some valuable self-reflection, this stirring realization slapped me in the face...
The last 3 girls I have been romantically involved with have all married their next "dudes"...
So, calling all wedding ring-hungry females...
If you need a husband, call me - I will gladly be your springboard into happiness...
Posted by
2:01 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Half-Days: God's Gift to the Teacher
Currently Hearing: Peregrine by The Appleseed Cast
Currently Reading: Deuteronomy
Currently Thinking: I Want to Wash My Sheets by The Sanitary Side of Me
Currently Knowing: Once I Wash Them, I Won't Want to Put Them Back On My Bed by the Lazy Side of Me
I was talking with someone today about free will, God's Sovereignty, predestination, and all that jazz...
I have a few things to say about it:
1.) It was great to talk about it with someone I love
2.) It was great to be open and honest without demeaning one another
3.) It was great to discuss and work on articulating my views by looking at contrary arguments/lines of thought
4.) It made me think of something...
Basically, the person I was discussing this idea with said something that really made me consider something - because, like most things about my faith (and I think this is the case for most people in general), I had just sort of accepted their position for most of my life without much critical thought or study (both biblical and extrabiblical in nature)...
Let's think about this concept - and I sincerely want help and/or comments on this idea...
Before one of my Bible classes was to discuss the idea of sin, I had 60-something 11th grade students write me a brief essay on whether or not humans can choose God on their own, or if God chooses us...
Roughly half of the kids said that God chooses us, and the other half said that we had free will to either choose or reject salvation...
Several of the students that claimed the free will argument made comments that sound something like this:
God gave us free will to choose on our own because He loves us and wouldn't force us to love Him.
In a similar vein, the person I was discussing these ideas with made the comment - Would you want to marry a bride that didn't choose to love you?
My question is, where does this idea/common argument for the role of human volition in God's salvific work come from? Does it have any Scriptural merit? It is a great and very comforting sort of idea sometimes saying that we have such freedom, but it really made me think about the importance of having an incredibly Scripturally-grounded theology...
I want everything I believe about my faith to be carefully weighed against Scripture, and if something that even is more appealing to me seems to contradict what I find to be true from a sound reading of the Word of God, I have to understand that I cannot merely choose to accept something that is easier for me to swallow...
So, what do you guys think?
Does God let us choose whether or not to be saved so He gets the cream of the crop?
Does the idea of predestination seem like a contradiction to your idea of God?
Does election seem unfair?
Do you think most Christians responsibly study and think about the things they believe and why they believe them?
Feel free to weigh in on anything that seems relevant to the discussion...
I would love to see some new comments...
One Member of the Body,
Posted by
10:09 PM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Friendly Reminder
Currently Hearing: Blank-Wave Arcade by the Faint
Currently Wishing: I Lived in a Fun Town by The Part of Me That Wants to Walk Around and Enjoy the Weather
Currently Aware of: The Fact That I Need to Do Laundry by The Blatant Need of Clean Clothes in My Life
Currently Fearing: The Possibility of a Hernia by The Isolated Pain in My Lower Abdominal Region When I Press It
Sometimes we just need a little nudge back in the right direction...
"Direct Orders" by Anis Mojgani
Posted by
11:12 AM
Monday, October 20, 2008
Don't Break Contract...
Currently Hearing: I'll Believe in Anything by Wolf Parade
Currently Reading: Freedom of the Will by Jonathan Edwards
Currently Drinking: Coffee out of a Boring Mug by the Cafeteria
Currently Wishing: There was a Hayride Tonight by My Sentimental Mind
Today is a melancholy day...
Nothing really happened to me to make me feel like it was going to be a quasi-crappy day - in fact, when I got to school, everything felt like it was going to be a good day...
However, that quickly changed out of the blue...
Everyone sort of seems to be walking around like zombies today...
So, I guess my brain and emotions figured they should feel the same way...
Last class, my kids were asking me what was wrong, and when I took prayer requests, one of the prayer requests was for me...
I guess I am not acting that chipper today...
I kind of had a realization that I constantly think about only a handful of things...
Like, there are only 2 or 3 BIG ideas that consume my thoughts at a time, and I tend to devote my time and attention to them - I guess that is the curse of being an extreme person with an obsessive personality...
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I have waves of extreme contemplation/introspection (normally related to God and spirituality), and when I hit these moments, I just sort of feel introverted and like I want to be alone...
I am sure that has a lot to do with my mood today (being coupled with Fall is a double whammy)...
Anyways, on a more upbeat note, there is a volleyball game after school today, which should be fun to watch, and I will probably feel better after I work out tonight...
So, I will ride that natural high for as long as I can...
Here is a quote to jumpstart you brains - I read it in a Jewish rabbi's response to a letter written to him by an evangelical Christian...
Tell me what you think...
I don't even know what I think about it - well, at least not totally...
When I weigh in all the ideas about God's Sovereignty, it definitely makes me look at it from a totally different angle than I did a month ago when I wrote it down on a Post-It note and stuck it on my desk...
"The state of the world must prove that the Messiah has come; not a tract."
- Rabbi Richman
Yes, there is pain...
Yes, there is suffering...
Yes, there is extreme evil...
However, when we say that God is all-powerful and all-knowing, is it wrong to say that God is guiding history in such a way that ultimately brings glory to God's name?
Look at Scripture:
Psalm 135:6
Whatever the Lord pleases he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps.
I can't deny that - if I do, I have elevated creation above the Creator, the clay above the Potter.
"Almighty God and Merciful Father, we praise you for your everlasting happiness in the fellowship of the Trinity; that you are an infinitely exuberant God; satisfied with the panorama of your own perfections reflected in the radiance of your Son. And we praise you that you are free and sovereign in your own self-sufficiency and cannot be bribed or coerced because of some deficiency or craving in your heart. We praise you that your plan and counsel is governed not by our will but by your good pleasure."
- John Piper
Posted by
1:32 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Go Ahead and Love Me
Currently Reading: The Sovereignty of God by A.W. Pink and Korean through English by Sang-Oak Lee
Currently Hearing: At Home with Owen by Owen
Currently Thinking: I Need a Korean Teacher by My Own Finitude and Difficulty in Grasping Korean Grammatical Concepts
Currently Hoping: That I Remember My Dreams When I Awake by My Alarm Clock
My good friends in M83 have a delightful saying: Saturdays=Youth
Well, I have adopted my own new catch phrase: Sweatpants=Comfort
There is just something so great about sweats...
Is it the elastic? the feeling of a band of cloth stretched around your ankle? the reminder of what my Dad looked like when he used to take me to school?
No, it is something else...
For some reason, sweatpants are equated with a certain time of year, and even a certain feeling in my soul...
When I put on sweatpants, I think about laying around at my friends' houses, sleeping in, drinking coffee, and feeling like life is perfect...
Now, before you tell me that I sound like a girl, just think about it...
It could be that sweatpants are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg...
Perhaps maybe it is more about how Fall feels...
Something about this time of year - the change of seasons, the drop in temperature, the wearing of layers - makes me just feel different...
I guess sweatpants just do that to some people...
What are your "sweatpants?"
Posted by
10:04 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
Go Go Gadget, Genius!
Currently Hearing: White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes
Currently Pondering: The Sovereignty of God As It Is Related To His Character by My Brain, Searching For Answers
Currently Not Wanting To: Put Away My Laundry by The Folded Shirts, Socks, and Sundry Items On My Bed
Well, I guess blogging is about honesty, right?
So, here goes...
Nobody worry, I am not confessing a drug addiction or my dabbling in dark arts of wizardry (I don't even like Harry Potter - there is no way I could be a witch)...
It is much less non-threatening than that, and has a lot less to do with my salvation...
However, it does have to do with my view of God (surprise, surprise - the constant struggle for clarity and search for truth that is my life)...
Basically, I am having a hard time with the idea of God's Sovereignty and Predestination...
It all began when I was reading through the book of Romans...
I would never want to just take something form the Scripture without a proper understanding of the true intention of the author and all of those elements that go into the responsible reading of biblical texts...
But, I have been thinking more and more frequently about the Knowledge of God and God's Sovereignty over all things...
First of all, I think most of us would say and agree, "if God was not Sovereign, what the heck kind of God am I serving?"
It is just growing increasingly difficult to truly just say God is in control of everything, except the stuff that seems too mean for God to have control over (i.e., salvation) without knowing how I truly feel about this subject...
This is another one of those moments where I feel like I am starting from the ground up with my faith and am still like a "baby" Christian...
Now, I understand the difference in foreknowledge/omniscience and predestination (maybe)...
And, in my mind, I can bring up the point that God can know what is going to happen without causing it to happen (I guess)...
However, when I read Scriptures lately, I see instances of a God that has total control over things, like a God that "hardens Pharaoh's heart" time and time again in order to bring glory to Godself...
I would even like to believe that perhaps God began this cycle of hardening the ruler of Egypt's heart after much cruel treatment that was bestowed upon the Israelites based on the Pharaoh's own volition out of a sense of paranoia and fear (Exodus 1:7-14) - but, wait until what I quote from Romans in a little bit!
I am not saying I think God is full of Hatred, Anger, and Wrath...
Rather, I would fully ascribe Perfect Goodness to God...
I guess what I am struggling with is the whole concept of Free Will vs. Predestination...
Maybe both of these things can occur to some level or degree...
I have a thousand thoughts and stuff swimming around in my head right now...
And, of course, a proper definition of terms is always extremely important in any instance like this...
I am quite confident that I don't even have a solid understanding of the various levels of predestination, seeing as it was never really a part of my theological training...
I have naturally winced at the idea of predestination my whole life, seeing as it was opposed to the major theological stance of those that trained me, and like so many other things in my faith, I have had some huge questions when I seriously begin to evaluate my position on the theological premise for myself...
Look at Romans, though:
"What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! For he says to Moses, 'I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.' It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: 'I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.' Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden" (9:14-18 NIV).
I guess I do know this - God gets what God wants, somehow and some way...
I don't know what that really entails, and how it all pans out...
I really need some help, and am going to do some mad research about this topic...
Growing In the Love and Knowledge of Our Savior (Hopefully),
Posted by
10:39 PM
Monday, October 6, 2008
Have You Ever Been All Messed Up?
Currently Reading: Love God With All Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul by J.P. Moreland
Currently Hearing: Neon Golden by The Notwist
Currently Loving: Sitting in My Underwear by Having My Own Room
Well, I am reading this great book that a friend of mine recommended to me...
It is making me want to go back to school like crazy...
Moreland is articulating so many of the things that I believe as a Christian...
In the first few chapters of his book, the author is saying so much about how important it is that Christians do the hard task of disciplined study as responsible believers in a God with Perfect Knowledge and Reason...
He briefly takes the reader through the dismal spiral that Christians have sped downwards into - and reminds individuals how vital it is to be able to responsibly articulate one's faith to those looking from the outside of the Christian faith in...
Before you become afraid that he might be neglecting the personal devotion that is necessary in the live of a follower of Christ, let me soothe your nerves by letting you know that Moreland back almost every point he has made thus far with sound biblical hermeneutics and application, making the claim that he would never take passages out of context and merely proof-text them to persuade the reader and has made several references like such: "... our intellectual development must be balanced with devotion to growth in other aspects of our human selves" (53).
From my limited encounter with this book, I have gathered that Moreland is a man that has thoughtfully reasoned and has a carefully articulated faith, and I am proud to know that there are Christians like this...
Let's keep the dream alive and strive to know what we believe, so that we may aid in the discipleship of our lives and the lives of others with informed integrity...
Read this book!
Posted by
8:09 PM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Currently Reading: Exodus
Currently Hearing: Background Music by American Nightmare
Currently Wishing: I Could Breakdance by People That Wear Track Outfits and Have Strong Limbs
Well, as the title suggests...
Thank God It's Thursday (not "Today God Is Third" - contrary to popular belief)
Tomorrow is some holiday about how heaven opened up a long time ago and a Korean king came down to rule the people...
Pretty sweet...
I don't know his name, but I am glad God sent him to this country so I could have a day off of work...
Tonight, I plan on sitting by a lake and having a killer bonfire...
I have been giddy all week to sit by the warm flames in the cold weather...
Nothing can beat that...
Next week is the school's Fall Festival, which is basically an event that Student Council puts on for the kids...
I think it should be pretty fun - we are having a schoolwide pajama party, a basketball tournament (which I hope to garner a trophy from), a talent show, and student club booths...
The club I sponsor, which the kids decided to call "Hip Hop for Respect" is going to have a booth...
One of the kids is a sick at beatboxing, so he is going to be basically showing off, and I am sure the other kids are just going to dress up as thugged out as possible, which will be absolutely hilarious...
The kids told me that I will be able to perform with them at the festival in the Spring...
I think it might be my life's crowning achievement...
Anyways, T.G.I.T.
Pray that I don't set myself on fire tonight...
The Kingdom Is In Us,
Posted by
1:31 PM
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Best of Times, The Worst of Times...
Currently Hearing: Songs Will Write The Words by Twothirtyeight
Currently Hating: My Job by GVCS
Currently Confused By: Predestination by God?
Well, the day is over, and I am rejoicing - dinner will come shortly in the teacher cafeteria, and it means I don't have to spend money on dinner...
I wish I had a thought-provoking topic of conversation to spur a debate, but in order to make that happen, I need 2 things: a.) a thought-provoking topic and b.) adoring fans. I am still boggled over the concept of being a noted blogger, but I guess all I can do is persevere, because perseverance breeds hope...
Anyways, I have a poem that I read today that I would like to share with my faithful friends (especially Jesse)...
by Coleman Barks
The internet says science is not sure
how cats purr, probably
a vibration of the whole larynx,
unlike what we do when we talk.
Less likely, a blood vessel
moving across the chest wall.
As a child I tried to make every cat I met
purr. That was one of the early miracles,
the stroking to perfection.
Here is something I have never heard:
a feline purrs in two conditions,
when deeply content and when
mortally wounded, to calm themselves,
readying for the death-opening.
The low frequency evidently helps
to strengthen bones and heal
damaged organs.
Say poetry is a human purr,
vessel mooring in the chest,
a closed-mouthed refuge, the feel
of a glide through dying.
One winter morning on a sunny chair,
inside this only body,
a far-off inboard motorboat
sings the empty room, urrrrrrrhhhh
Posted by
5:14 PM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
9 Years, 29 Albums
Currently Hearing: Songs About Leaving by Carissa's Wierd
Well, I just found out my BFF (takin' it back to 8th grade) started a blog, which made me incredibly happy...
Obviously, since I wrote about it and wished for it to happen it did (for all of the thousands of new followers of this blog, I am referring to the fact that I wanted this blog to become famous) - So, for all of you that read this, I think his blog is titled , so go check it out...
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
I have some possibly big plans that I have been mulling over in my mind for weeks now...
I am narrowing down options for graduate schools - and, at this point, I am very interested in Fuller Theological Seminary...
I have spoken to a good friend that just moved out there, and hopefully I will be able to visit when I am in the States over Christmas break...
So, maybe after a school year of trying to teach a bunch of Asian kids about the importance of acknowledging the divinity of Christ and trying to make sure they don't think God is a cruel punisher, I just might float on out West and get some more "smarts."
Posted by
4:24 AM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
Currently Hearing: Don't Scuff Up Your Soul
500 pieces means 500 float.
1000 people means 500 don't.
Posted by
1:34 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
In Athens...
Currently Reading: (Just Read the Post)
Currently Hearing: Dirty and Left Out by The Almost
Acts 17:24
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each of us."
I don't claim to know everything about Scripture, nor would I ever claim to. However, I do know that I can cling to that phrase. God is so much closer than we realize. I think once we begin to wrap our minds around this idea, it can completely revolutionize everything in our very cores. Too many times, I tend to view God as the white-bearded, distant, aloof Judge that is waiting to kick my butt or knock me back in line. It is so simple for me to forget that God the Son came in the flesh! God couldn't have come any closer to humanity! That is truly insane to think about. Not only did Jesus, the Christ, come to earth, but while he was here, he revealed the Father to the fullest - yes, that same Father that I think is sitting around waiting to bust my soul's chops. And, there's more! After Jesus left to prepare a place for us, he sent the Holy Spirit so that we may continue to experience God with us. This is so amazing. I pray that we, the followers of Christ, see this continuity between the members of the Trinity and let it truly revolutionize every aspect of our lives.
Posted by
1:24 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Mob Mentality?
Well, everyone...
I have a new life goal (for those of you who know me - surprise, surprise)
I want to make my blog famous...
I am not sure how to make that happen, but maybe the 3 of you that read this every once in a while can become my street team...
I am not sure how to do it, but maybe you can help!
I am calling on you, America.
I need your talents, your abilities, your time, your resources, your prayers.
Help me.
In doing so, you are only helping yourself.
Oh, quick question...
I am just now watching the RNC speech by Palin, and it has me thinking...
A lot...
What do you think of the Christian's role in politics?
Any takers?
(This is one of those things that would be really great if a lot of people read this)
Maybe when I write a book and people start reading my really trendy blog, then I can ask this question again...
Posted by
1:01 PM
Playlists & College Writing Activities
Currently Reading: Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Currently Hearing: You Remind Me of Home by Benjamin Gibbard
Okay, so...
My last semester of college, my poetry professor gave us this warm-up at the beginning of class, and I loved it. Basically, all you do is write "I believe" at the top of your paper and just start jotting down things you believe. Here goes a spontaneous blog entry...
"I believe"...
God is real. Life hurts sometimes. Burt's Beeswax Lip Balm is sent to us from heaven. Christ is not truly embodied by the vast majority of Christians (including myself). Books are always a good investment. You have to go on a road trip before you die. The same angels that delivered humans the sacred Lip Balm of Burt also led humankind to stumble upon the coffee bean. Having crazy dreams that make no sense is awesome. Dudes look better with facial hair - no exception. The kingdom of God is hardly being realized by most. Due to the aforementioned statement, God has to have a crazy amount of patience and grace. Buying that expensive fabric softener at Costco was well worth it. Lots of things are easier said than done. Life is all about the journey. I beat myself up too much sometimes. Hardly anything can compete with a great day in the Fall. My Mom and Dad love me. I've gotten to do a lot of awesome stuff in 23 years. My life is statistically almost 1/3 over. I should start doing push-ups. A really good movie is a hard find. Being like Christ and being spiritually pompous don't equate. People who are good at painting and love it are awesome. Money sucks. The role of the Christian in politics is extremely confusing. Breakdancing is an art form. Falling in love with a new artist changes everything. Sleeping until your body naturally wakes up is the greatest. I want more education.
Give it a try...
Let me know what comes up
Posted by
1:52 AM
Thursday, September 4, 2008
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Currently Reading: Unity in New Testament Perspective by William Loader
Currently Hearing: Apples are Not the Cause of Sin (a playlist of worship songs composed by my dear friend Jesse Pickott)
"If [the vision of universal unity] is to remain close to Jesus' vision, the vision of unity needs to be taken so seriously that it works itself into present reality in all its aspects. It cannot be truncated to inter-church unity, but must retain its character of being a vision of justice and peace for all peoples and for the whole creation. Inter-church unity only makes sense within this broader context; otherwise it looks all too much like a ghetto strategy for survival."
Oh shoot.
This is from an article I found by someone I have never heard of. This statement blew my mind. What do you think?
Posted by
4:40 PM
Monday, September 1, 2008
Back to the Ironing Board
Currently Reading: An Exposition on the Apostles Creed
Currently Hearing: All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone by Explosions in the Sky
School has started back, so now I throw on a tie 2 or 3 days a week and am consumed by Global Vision Christian School 5 days a week, at least...
I can't really talk, because I need to get dressed, but I just wanted all of you out there to know that I am still alive...
A year from know is slowly moving towards me like a slow, steady wave...
Posted by
6:58 AM
Friday, August 15, 2008
Jesus Came Up Through the Ground So Dirty
Currently Reading: Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus J. Borg and The Gospel of Mark
Currently Hearing: Hello, Dear Wind by Page France
Well, I realized something today (and to think, it is only 2:30!)
I was in the shower, where I seem to think and hear most clearly, and I was thinking about the Gospels in the New Testament. I have been trying to read through these in the spirit of something one of my professors said in a Wisdom Literature class when I was a sophomore in college. I don't really know why this subject came up - it was a course that related to strictly Old Testament and Apocryphal literature with some comparisons to some other ancient literature, but I remember it nonetheless. Perhaps he was speaking about the neglect that many Christians are guilty of when reading their Bibles and focusing on the latter portion of the canon. Anyways, he was talking to us and said that most people know more about Paul than they do about Jesus. Ouch. Guilty. Well, for anyone that I am close to or have had a conversation dealing with spirituality in the past month or two, you know that this is something I am trying to remedy in myself. I truly, truly, truly want to have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Christ. However, this is not nearly as easy as I want it to be. I have really wrestled with who Jesus is and how I can be more like someone that I don't really know much about. I prayed and grumbled about this issue to God, and, in a truly Divine fashion, God spoke to me one day as I spoke to God in passing while starting up my car to back out of my driveway. The verse claiming that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8) resonated in my mind. And I thought - "the message of the Gospel is this." Wow. Then, I thought, "Well, I guess that is a starting point." As I began to reflect on this, though, I realized not only is this the starting point (our redemption), it is the ending point (seeing as Christ was raised and secured for us our own bodily resurrection and full assumption of a new mode of existing), and it is also the basis for our whole journey (in that this sacrifice has made it so we are now daily being transformed as we grow in the love and knowledge of Christ).
Anyways, I said all of that to get to my newest nugget from the Great Designer. I would get/still struggle with being frustrated when I read the Gospels. I have been guilty of thinking and probably even verbalizing such things like "Why do things have to be so vague and confusing?" or "Why couldn't you have been more clear?" and even something like "Why can't the Gospels be more like Paul's letters with clearer instructions and teachings?"
You see the connection? Remember what my Wisdom Lit. professor said? It makes sense now why most people steer clear of the Gospels in favor of those blessed Epistles. Am I being critical of Paul's writings? Not in the least bit. I thank God for what was accomplished on the Road to Damascus, giving us such a pillar that could articulate teachings and foster the embryonic Church. However, I realized that I was reading the Gospels, with all their exclamations of the New Covenant, the ushering in of this idea of grace, and a new way of thinking in Jesus in the spirit of one who still is bound to the Law. You see, I want the Gospels to give me some clear-cut morals to check myself by. I want to read about Jesus and be able to understand who he is so I can make comparisons between my life and his, rather than focusing on his love for humanity, his spirit of compassion, and his declaration of the kingdom of God that allowed for precious relationship with the triune God.
That is why I wanted the Gospels to be easy. So I would be able to read them like a list of rules and regulations. How ironic, huh? In the remainder of the New Testament, at least I could read some moral teachings and think about if I had gone against them that week. It was something tangible, something easy, something I could somewhat begin to wrap my finite mind around. But God loves the messiness, the confusion, the stretching, because all of these things are the signs of growth, maturing, reliance on the Author. So, am I removing everything but the Gospels from my New Testament canon? Never. Do I totally understand how to read the Bible in light of these new thoughts. Of course not. Will I trust the Spirit of God to continue leading me, speaking to me, being faithful to my sincere questions, and furthering my individual transformation? Definitely.
God Is Here,
Posted by
2:27 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Come On Die Young
Currently Reading: The Shack by William P. Young and The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
Currently Hearing: Mogwai on iTunes Shuffle
Alright, so I am back in Korea now, and have been steadily unpacking...
I feel pretty good about the upcoming year...
I have color-coordinated my dress pants in my closet (this will probably last a week or so once I start wearing them) and am currently tackling the tough issue of where to put my shirts...
Sheesh - rough life, huh?
Anyways, I am really big into going into my iTunes and selecting an artist and putting it on shuffle and letting it just play.
I guess lately I have been thinking a lot about being in the ministry and being able/prepared to "lead" others. I find great honor and responsibility comes with ministering, and there are so many unanswered questions I have about my faith, how it relates to society, politics, how I feel about certain things, who Jesus really is, and all of that jazz. Basically, I am taking all of my "unsure-ness" about my personal faith and letting it hatch into insecurities about serving others as a minister. At the same time, I want to have a faith that is articulated in my spirit that I am confidently working out and constantly evaluating rather than some sort of vague characteristic that I have merely taken on as a part of who I am. I want to be an honest Christ-follower and have a sense of intellectual, moral, and spiritual integrity when I think about my faith. There are so many things to think about in trying to figure out the kind of church you want to establish and the type of results you hope for (not that the Church should be viewed in terms of marketing or even that every person should be the same in your church - far from it! I am just saying, I should hope that as a church, people would be inspired to love and place importance in certain things about the faith).
So, that is what I have been floating on for a while now...
Any thoughts (anybody with ministry experience that can help me out?)
Posted by
1:09 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Gumby Has Left the Building...
Currently Reading: The Gospel of Matthew and The Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Currently Hearing: Year One
It's been a little minute since I wrote in here...
Let's see...
Since we last spoke, I have:
a.) probably gotten a paycheck
b.) finished a book
c.) gone to China
d.) made my way to the United States
Some of these moments were better than others...
I will say this:
How China will be prepared to host the Olympics, I have no idea...
Now, I am enjoying leeching off of my parents for a couple weeks while I am under their temporary care...
Got some great weddings that I get to take part in in the next month...
Eating some great food, drinking some great sweet tea, and sleeping in a bed that doesn't give me acute vertebral inflammation...
So, you would think I would be eager to talk about some deep stuff and throw some inspirational jazz your way...
Well, you thought wrong...
Sometimes, it's just that way...
Until Later...
Posted by
1:51 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Currently Reading: Genesis
Currently Listening To: The Album Leaf
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.
Posted by
10:37 PM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I Geh Mo Yeh Yo?
Currently Reading: On the Incarnation by Athanasius
Currently Listening To: Louder Now by Taking Back Sunday
Well, I figure it's time for an update, yeah?
School is so close to being over, but I feel like we have had "only 3 weeks left" for the past 3 weeks...
Time is creeping and flying at the same time...
I can't wait to be in China...
I honestly just can't wait to get a break from school...
I still have mixed feelings about America right now...
I am super excited to see my family and friends, but the thought of staying there kind of doesn't sounds good to me...
I guess it is a good thing that I am coming back...
It is kind of hard to explain right now - I suppose that what I mean is that it will be nice to be in America, but I just know that I am not ready to live in America yet...
So, it will be a good break/time to see all the ones I love (parents, brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, close friends, etc.), but I am glad that I made the decision to come back here next year...
I feel good about it...
Anyways, I just finished the last episode of Freaks and Geeks today...
I really love that show...
I wish they would have made more than one season...
Now I feel like I need to scout out other TV show episodes to download via Internet...
I am, in fact, a LOST guy, but I need something a little more low-key to unwind to at times...
I am not, nor have I ever really been, a TV guy...
However, sometimes it is just nice to lay in your bed and watch a show...
(This sentence kind of makes me nauseous for some reason - I don't even know who is typing this paragraph)
Well, I am working on one of the most difficult playlists of all time right now...
What a challenge...
I am also going to a North Korean missions conference this weekend...
I am super-stoked about that...
More to come...
Well, I am done here...
Give Thanks,
Brandon Brown
Posted by
9:29 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
It's a Tough Job Being a Seon Saeng Nim...
Currently Reading: The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison & The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope, and Love by St. Augustine
Currently Listening To: And the Glass Handed Kites by Mew
Well, I was going to get on and post the pictures of me and my homeroom when we had our little "photo shoot" for our 2-page spread in the yearbook...
But, this picture of my Dad took the cake...
I guess all I am saying is, I love my family for reasons like this...
In other news, I am set to go to China...
The ticket has been purchased, now I have to get my visa from the Chinese Embassy in Seoul...
I have to go to Immigration tomorrow and get some things sorted out, too...
But, after that, everything is a go, I do believe...
Only 4 weeks left of school...
Today, we didn't have classes because of ESL testing, which was amazing, because I was a grade-A zombie life form all day...
Anyways, I am getting stoked on this Mew CD...
I forgot how good it was, and I just downloaded it so I could listen to it again, considering the fact my old iPod crashed and took some precious tunes to the electronic grave in its incessantly whirring, frozen-screened grasp...
Next week, some friends and I, as well as a group from Jeil Sungdo English Ministry, the church I attend here in Korea, are headed off to the Empower 2008 conference...
That should be pretty amazing...
It is nice to be getting a little more plugged in to some ministries here...
That was definitely something struggled with being here a while back...
I think I am going to get to start playing bass a couple Sundays a month, too...
So, a "yippee" seems appropriate here...
My spiritual nugget for this post, I suppose, is about the Lord's Prayer...
I prayed the Lord's Prayer the other day...
Not just recited it, but actually prayed it...
It really is an amazing way to communicate with God...
It is so rich in community/other-oriented language, dependence and submission to the Father, respect and acknowledgment of the person of God, and an expectancy for the Kingdom to be manifested here on earth...
I love it...
So, maybe try to pray the Lord's Prayer some time...
I mean - I didn't necessarily restrict myself to a recitation, either...
It was more of a starting point for communication with God...
Just give it a shot...
Really think about making God's name sacred and aligning your desires so that your heart's cry is that the Kingdom will be more evident here on earth through your reliance and conforming to the will of God...
Let me know what you think, yeah?
In Christ
Posted by
3:42 PM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Sort This Out On Your Own Time...
Currently Reading: Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman
Currently Listening To: Low Level Owl: Volume 1 by The Appleseed Cast
It is the weekend here in lovely Korea...
There are like 30 days of left before school is over (this is including weekends - CUH-RAZY!)
I think, at this point, I am going to return...
I just feel like there is so much more to see and do here...
Last weekend, we had our school's annual Spring Festival, which is basically a glorified field day...
I had so much fun with all the kids, I couldn't imagine just never seeing any of them again...
Also, I feel that God isn't displeased at the potential of my staying here...
So, as far as I know, I will be teaching another semester...
By the looks of things, I will be getting to teach a History of Christianity course (I am still holding out to see if I will get to teach an Introduction to Theology course)...
Tonight was a funny night...
Recently (a few weeks ago), the car that 6 or so of us Lee teachers use broke down...
It is going to cost way too much to fix, so we are just holding out and living car-less lives for the rest of the school year...
Some of the other teachers have a car, but it is a lot smaller, and they decided to go to Costco tonight to grocery shop...
The car was full, so not everyone could go, and a friend of mine and I decided to take a bus to Cheongju (which is about 45 minutes away) for a good dinner...
We weren't able to get there until almost 8...
It wasn't until we arrived at the station that we found out that the last bus left at 9...
We wanted "real" food so badly we decided to go for it...
We didn't finish in time, missed the bus, and neither of us or any of our friends have cell phones...
So, we found a creepy gamer/internet cafe and tried to email our friends...
Luckily, it worked, and some of them came to get us...
It was pretty hilarious, and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it...
I love it when crazy things happen - it makes life so much more memorable...
Anyways, I am going to close by adding some poems by my friend's 7th grade ESL class...
I loved them!
(they are in their original form with no corrections - keep in mind, these kids are not native speakers, which is why I think they are so awesome)
CLOCK by Edward Park
toc tic
Clock is moving and
time is going and going
my golden time is going
and going my memory's
are going and going
I will cut out a sad feeling
and starting up and
finally I will
become rich
and lawyer
BLOOD by Grant Kim
blood is always circulation.
time is always circulation.
when blood and time circulation,
some people feel good
but some people feel bad
CLOCK by Kerry Ha
Time is
time tack
Ta time is
tick tack
Time is
ti... ti... stop
we must
Change battery
dark and sad
i cry
you cry
They cry
we smille
[A CAN] by Dorothy Shin
A can what was drunk.
The can rolled
the streets
Someone trod
the can
Someone kicked
the can
threw away
the can into
separate garbage collection
The poor and dirty can recycled.
and the can became new can.
FRIEND by Rose Cho
on the flower
flower smell
we make
beautiful sight
above all
my name
is butterfly
and we
are the
HAPPY SEEN by Sonia Son (this one is my personal favorite)
have you ever seen
a bird family?
chatter happily
& dance activly
& open their small mouths
I smiled
Posted by
1:01 AM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Final Countdown
Currently Listening To: Duper Sessions by Sondre Lerche
(Please tell me you know this power metal anthem)
I have 4.5 weeks of teaching left...
6 weeks of actual school...
After last night, backpacking China is still a go...
Now, I was inspired by my friend Phil Harris after reading his blog (which you can access through my favorites in the top right corner)...
Some Things I Love:
- Black Coffee
- Sneakers
- Pizza
- My iPod (just got the 160 gb - booyakasha)
- Remembering my dreams
- Inside jokes
- Cold pillows
- Dreamland (best ribs ever)
- Chips & salsa (something I desperately lack here)
- Washing my hands
- Adventure
- Road trips
- Candid photographs
- Surviving a long run
- Bread
These are just some of the top of my head (and, I haven't had breakfast, so most of them are about food - whoops)
Posted by
8:11 AM
Friday, May 9, 2008
Yesterday, the Well Went Dry...
Currently Listening To: Noni's Field by Anathallo
First of all, this new Anathallo song is absolutely incredible...
I go to their MySpace and listen to it multiple times a day...
Check them out, it will be well worth it...
I have tons of stuff going on my mind right now...
I am sure I will type it out later...
For now, it is all just floating around in my noggin...
Anyways, in all of my life-speculation and slight senses of panic, I came across a quote that I might very well be floating on in a state of metaphysicality for a while:
"But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin."
This is basically the story of my life at this point, as terrifying as it might sound when I actually think about the implications of a life that is lived in this way...
However, a life like this will be so much more rewarding...
Let's do it, YHWH...
This little addage might just do a good bit to revolutionize my life...
Absolutely awe-some...
Posted by
2:43 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A Secret Prayer: Please Let Lunch Be Good Today
Currently Listening To: Floating World by Anathallo
Let's just say this...
Sometimes one gets tired of eating peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast and lunch...
I am praying that the cafeteria hooks me up today...
This past weekend was nice...
We got a 3-day weekend because of Children's Day, a Korean holiday...
So, we got to see some festivals (Lantern Festival) and a cool parade...
It was awesome...
It really makes me feel a part of the country I live in...
A nice change from just walking in clothing stores, for sure...
Well, I am starting a Korean Conversation class tonight, I think...
All I have to say it, finally...
I have been wanting a way to learn a little Korean, and now I have my chance...
I think it is going to be offered twice a week...
I just wish it could have gotten started up a long time ago...
I only have a couple months left...
Hopefully I can absorb as much as possible before I leave for the summer...
I think we only have something like 5 weeks of teaching left or so...
Which is, honestly, kind of a relief and kind of frightening...
I still feel like I have a lot of stuff to get through before finals...
Well, I guess you just gotta do the best you can...
Anwyays, I have to do some planning for my World History class before lunch...
Posted by
10:16 AM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
My Students Always Come Back With Haircuts After Vacation...
Currently Reading: Love in the Time of Cholera
Currently Listening To: Happy Music for Happy People by Mogwai
I have nothing groundbreaking to say in this entry, I just sort of want to write...
I really am striving to be a more honest person...
Honest with myself, honest with others...
Lately, every time I think about what it means to be a Christian, I just think how I want so badly to be like Jesus...
I really feel that the Lord has been so faithful to me...
I went with some of my friends to a great English ministry in Seoul on Sunday...
I think we are going to try and make it out there as much as we can, given the distance and all...
I really just want to feel and be alive, and I think God is responding to my desire by drawing me in to God's nature and being, and I am trying to focus on becoming as much like Christ as I can...
I am trying to rejoice both in the freedom and yoke that comes with Christianity, and just strive for greatness (which, as I was reminded on Sunday, comes when we become servants of all)
Like I said, I don't have anything to say, which makes my life feel somewhat monotonous and lacking in reflection...
That's a different story...
Posted by
1:28 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Korean 7Up and Peanut Butter Crackers
I Miss My Best Friends
Currently Reading: Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker (I don't recommend it - it has become an teeth pulling endeavor)
Currently Listening To: Relationship of Command by At the Drive-In
Apparently God doesn't want me to enter my students grades into the school gradebook system, because both times I have tried to do it in the past two days, something has gone wrong...
So, now I am sitting and drinking Korean 7Up and debating whether or not to make myself something to eat (I really want cookies, but I just don't have any)...
What has happened lately?
I saw Hillsong in Seoul (absolutely amazing - I needed it in my life)
I bought a candle from the store that produces no smell but claims to be apple-scented (and to think, it smelled so strong before I lit it - this is a pet peeve that I can't even start on, sort of like trying to wash your hands when the faucet is too close to the wash basin in the sink)
I just bought some candy for a kid in my homeroom (it is her birthday tomorrow)
Posted by
9:35 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
Korean Boys Love to Sit in Each Other's Laps...
Currently Reading: Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker
Currently Listening To: Little Wars by Unwed Sailor
This is a cultural phenomenon that I do not understand...
I have sort of gotten used to it (and let's face it, I am not a super-macho dude anyways)...
For those of you who read this, I am basically just asking for your continued prayer as I try to walk out the steps that God would have me to take...
Coming back to Korea still seems like the most "lucrative" option in my life (I mean, I have never been one to base my life around money)...
I guess what I mean by lucrative is like a holistic sort of lucrative-ness...
I get to live in another awesome part of the world and see amazing places (I mean, who gets to go to Thailand for Spring Break and backpack across Asia in the summer?)
However, I am not at all opposed to pursuing another option if God would have me to do so...
The whole "Don't do it because it is safe, do it because it will be worth it" concept...
So, just keep praying that I will be led and sensitive and open to the doors God opens...
Posted by
8:12 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Song for April Is...
Currently Reading: The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
Currently Listening To: Legends of Rodeo
I have got some updating that I am going to do...
I just got back from Thailand, which was great...
In Bangkok, we got to experience the Thai New Year, which is basically a 3-day-long water fight where everyone's goal is to soak you and rub clay all over your face...
Needless to say, it was amazing...
Then, we went to Phuket, where I was able to lay by a swimming pool for hours on end and get hit on by gangs of cross-dressing male prostitutes (this was both frightening and saddening)...
Now, we are back and teaching again...
All good things come to an end, yeah?
Now, on to the serious stuff I have been thinking about...
(You knew it was coming)
Basically, I just want to make sure that I "do" life right, at this point...
What I mean by this is that I just want to live life the way it is meant to be lived starting now, rather than putting it off until I know what I am supposed to be "doing" with my life...
Does this make sense to anyone else but me?
This doesn't mean I am living in sin or sowing wild oats or doing whatever I please until God snaps me out it...
Rather, I am just trying to walk into my destiny...
It is just tough to know what to do sometimes when you don't see the "end" result on the horizon...
I know nobody knows the future, but at least some people have an idea of their callings and what they ultimately want to do...
For me, this has never been the case...
However, God has been super-faithful to me lately...
For instance, last night, I felt God tell me not to do something because it is safe, but to do it because it is worth it...
So many times, this is so hard...
Even when I go on "crazy" adventures, I somehow do them with a level of comfort...
Basically, I am just wanting to live the life that is tailor-made for me by the Great Designer...
And, I love how God is wanting to reveal that life to me slowly but surely...
I have been re-exposed to some really encouraging and challenging words from God and they are stirring in my spirit...
As I often say in times like this - I am feelin' it...
Posted by
6:07 PM
Monday, March 31, 2008
If I Make It To Heaven, I May Be As Bloody As Hell...
Currently Reading: Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
Currently Listening To: Seven Swans by Sufjan Stevens
Here I am, sitting here, and I just sort of feel like writing...
Some days it seems like I am on the right track, doing a pretty good job, pretty close to God, all that jazz...
Then other days, I feel like I have so far to go, and that I and so spiritually immature and anemic...
(NOTE: This is not a "boo-hoo" blog or me complaining - it's really kind of positive, so don't read this and hear me agonizing with a sense of desperation)
I woke up this morning and decided to walk to the store in our apartment complex to buy some candy for my homeroom, and I just started singing "Center" by Charlie Hall...
I was just kind of making it my prayer, altering the lyrics to make it personal...
"Christ, be the center of my life, be the place I fix my eyes"
Then I started wondering the reason why I pray, the reason why I talk to God, the reason I want to be close to God, the reason why I try and communicate with Jesus...
I couldn't help but wonder if I do it because I feel like it is something I need to do to be a good person/Christian, or if I am doing because I truly want to be close to the One who gave up their life for me, so that I could have the ability and freedom to be in a relationship with them...
Donald Miller talks about how (and I am paraphrasing) grace is an invitation to relationship, and the rejection of grace is pretty much like a slap in God's face...
Also, John Ortberg speaks of grace as being viewed as a way of life...
Everything we are given every day can be seen as an outpouring of the mystery that is God's grace...
Hopefully, with God's grace (haha), I can somehow better understand that mysterious gift that I have been given, and operate joyfully and freely in this gift rather than being bogged down by the rules and laws I place on myself...
Posted by
9:59 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Things Just Keep Getting Better...
Currently Reading: Middlesex: A Novel by Jeffrey Eugenides
Ok, so despite the daily stresses of having a serious job, things really aren't that bad...
I am with great friends and I am getting to live a pretty awesome life right now...
In other words, right now I feel blessed...
I have been thinking about a verse that I read a week or so ago a lot the past couple of days...
"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain." - Psalms 127:1
When I read this, it really reminded me that if God/my relationship with Jesus Christ is not the focal point of the overarching scheme of my life (as well as all the detailed happenings), then I am basically wasting my time...
Posted by
8:11 AM
Monday, March 24, 2008
14 of 1001... Can It Be Done?
Currently Reading: Antic Hay by Aldous Huxley
Currently Listening To: The Album Leaf
Well, I have a new goal in life...
I printed of a list today at school entitled "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die"
Feeling drawn and somehow under the control of this electronic onus, I feel that I must try my best to complete this list...
Intimidating - yes...
Seemingly impossible - yes...
Will this stop me? No!
Anyways, Spring Break is on the horizon...
Thank G for that...
I really need a LONG break to fully recharge...
I may have mentioned it in a previous post, but the weekends just aren't enough sometimes...
Mom! I got the care package...
It was wonderful!
Also, I wish I would have taken a Synoptic Gospels class in college...
I mean, they offered one, and I always wanted to take it - I heard it was awesome...
However, it never fit into my schedule...
I was reading the different accounts of the Resurrection on Easter, and I just wish I had learned about the reasonings behind all of the different accounts by someone who knows about them...
I mean, I understand the whole thing about different authors/different styles/etc.
However, there are some questions/concerns I have about why Jesus says some of the things that he says...
I guess I will have to do some reading on my own...
Make that 14 out of 1002...
Life is all about learning...
Oh yeah...
I am 23 now...
That's all for now...
Posted by
10:56 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Trait #1: You Have a Hard Time Following Through
Well, as the title suggests, I haven't been doing such a great job about keeping all the people back home in the good ole' U.S. of A. posted on my happenings over here...
Anyways, the past is past, right?
Let's turn this mess into a message...
Basically, I have learned some things about myself since I have been here...
I mean, I guess I always sort of knew them, but taking a test about yourself sort of has a way of concretizing all those things that float around in your head while you are folding laundry (yes, Mom, I fold my clothes - my room is actually, dare I say, quite impeccable), taking a shower, or staring at the ceiling before you fall asleep...
So, during our Teacher In-Service Training, we all took personality tests about what "color" personalities we possess...
One can be 1.) orange 2.) gold 3.) blue 4.) green
Well, orange is normally adventurous, outdoor-loving, spontaneous...
Gold is very time-oriented, organized, appreciates the value of money and family (very structured)
Blue is very artistic, poetic, introspective, sensitive, etc.
Green is very calculative, drawn to logic, etc.
For anyone who truly knows me, I scored off the charts blue...
Since that, even though I joke about it, my life makes a lot more sense...
I guess I always assumed a was a very "big picture" kind of guy (this also ties in to my Strengths - Intellection, Restorative, Adaptability, Connectedness, Input)...
But, I am beginning to think that there is a fine line between looking at the big picture and looking at the consequences of things (here is where connectedness comes into play)...
I feel like throughout my life, I have done a pretty good job of staying out of trouble for the sake of understanding cause-and-effect scenarios...
However, I am not so sure I have a firm grasp on the big picture of things (i.e., life)...
I probably could have articulated myself way better last week or so when I was thinking about it, but it is coming back to my mind as I type...
Anyways, sorry this isn't truly a Korea post about my adventures in Seoul (though I did go there last weekend)...
But, I mean, the people who read this want to know me on a deeper level anyway...
So, if you have made it this far in my introspective rant, I indeed salute you...
Posted by
4:49 PM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
At 22, I've Got Cement Shoes...
I am listening to my Bible class speak in a language that I really just don't know while they are working on their projects...
These kids are really funny sometimes, but I just don't feel like being at school right now...
It is snowing like CRAZY right now...
Literally, we are talking like 15 minutes and the ground was covered in snow...
It is blowing my mind as we speak...
We went to Seoul this weekend, and I watched the girls shop and wandered around the subway...
I love public transportation, but not watching girls shop...
I mean, I like watching girls, but, you know what I mean...
(haha - I just had such a Holden Caulfield moment... my hero!)
I graded papers at Starbucks on Sunday night in Cheongju...
I gave my first test last Friday...
The kids didn't do that well overall...
I was experiencing such a mix of emotions - anger, disappointment, it was really weird...
I might have to start teaching English to elementary schoolers at an academy affiliated with the school...
It is a surefire way to get a visa, but it is more work, lesson plans, grading, time, etc...
However, it is $300 extra a month, which will come in handy if/when I travel after school...
Things here are well...
I started running again...
It has been cool to go out at night and just run through town and look around...
I get some strange looks, because I am sure the people of this small town don't expect a big white dude to be jogging in Eumseong at like 9 p.m.
I just finished lesson plans for the week, and think I might start my history lesson notes for tomorrow...
Maybe I will be able to put up pictures in the next couple weeks...
Love you, Mom! (Let's be honest, you are the only person who reads this, that is if you haven't stopped, too)
Posted by
10:19 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008
I Accidentally Bought the Spiciest Noodles Imaginable...
(That is a picture of Daejeon, by the way)
Well, I got home from school today and was starving...
So, I headed to the store in our apartment complex to grab something to eat...
I picked up a random 5-pack of noodles (the #5 was the only thing on the packaging that I could even read), some Pringles, and a bottle of water...
After I got home, I made the noodles, only to discover that they are spicy as all get out...
Oh well...
A guy's gotta' eat...
Anyways, I am currently sitting in my bedroom with my iPod on shuffle typing out a chapter summary for my World History class...
They have a test on Friday...
After this, I am going to try and figure out a good way to teach my Bible class this week...
It is really hard to teach high-schoolers a Bible class, especially early in the morning...
And, these kids don't get nearly enough sleep...
They are on a pretty strict schedule that the school puts out in their dorms...
However, it's tough, because I want to make it cool for them, but I have certain things that I need to try and lecture about...
However, who wants to listen to a lecture? Especially in high school...
I just can't talk about a lot of stuff that would be cool a.) because of the curriculum, b.) because of the language barrier...
Theology uses crazy jargon, so it is hard to go deep with these kids in this setting, because they don't know what all those terms mean...
I just don't want them to hate the Bible, but I feel like it's tough, because no teenager wants to sit in a classroom...
Anyways, we went to Cheungju this weekend and hung out...
It was really fun to "go out on the town" and explore Korea some...
Wonder what I will do this weekend...
Who knows, hopefully something fun...
Posted by
8:12 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm in the Wrong Body...
Well, I am sitting in my 4th period class, watching my kids do a worksheet...
Being a history teacher (or a high school teacher in general) is super-tough, because a.) most people think history is boring and b.) I don't know much about it...
I love the kids, and I feel bad for fourth period, because it is the last class of the day for them and me, so we are both so stinking tired...
God help me...
I really want to bond with them...
That is my prayer...
What a discouraging post this is...
I have had some really good times since I have been here...
I have been to Seoul, Cheongju, and Chungju, but I forgot the USB cable for my camera, so I can't post any pictures...
I think I love this job, it is just super-stressful starting out...
I really need God's help...
I always feel sort of like I am not cut out for this job at the end of the day, but I can't wait to see the kids...
Korea is a really cool place, though, and I really want to learn the language...
Also, I need a paycheck...
That will be a great day...
Well, I need to figure out a way to kill ten minutes of class really quick...
I love everyone...
Please pray for me if you ever read this...
Posted by
2:18 PM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
It Smells Like Kimchi Outside of Pizza Hut...
Well, I am here now...
I am slowly but surely getting settled in and unpacked...
Finally got some coat hangers...
We went to Cheongbuk tonight, and are going to Seoul tomorrow...
The guys here are taller than I thought...
I still feel quasi-awkward/boxy/robotic when I am walking around, because I have no idea what anything is/says...
Oh well...
Life is great, though...
Maybe one day, I will get everything out of these suitcases and get paid...
Both of these will be momentous occasions in time...
Until then, I love you all!
Posted by
1:26 AM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
The Question Is, When Will I Pack?
I leave on Tuesday morning, bright and early...
Yep, I will be pulling out of Cleveland at around 6 am...
My visa got denied, so now I will have to get in on a tourist visa...
It's my last weekend, and I am going to Atlanta tomorrow to see my good friend Brad...
I wish I had great stuff to say, but I guess nothing exciting really happens when you sit aroud a boring town day after day...
Hopefully soon, I will have great pictures of a crazy country that speaks a language that makes my head hurt...
Posted by
8:40 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
It Burns...
So, I have been watching a lot of movies lately and have noticed a recurring theme...
In the movies, most of the characters have been "losers"...
Here's the scary part...
Everything that they say/do, I can see myself doing...
Does this mean that I am also a "loser"?
I have just been wondering...
The things they say and do are completely hilarious/normal to me...
Also, I think about Jesse Pickott every day and talk about him like he is dead...
Posted by
8:02 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Do You Know Your Dad's Birthdate?
Currently, I am sitting in the dentist's office...
Gotta get a filling (hopefully no more than one) before I leave...
Which leads me to my next point...
I found out when I am leaving...
February 4th...
I guess that will put me in over there late on the 5th or early on the 6th...
Something like that...
I still have to go to the Korean Consulate in Atlanta and get my visa...
After they break my jaw here and give me bionic teeth, I think a trip to Starbucks is in order...
I am now finishing this post at Sarah and Natalie's house...
Might I say, I love them...
Also, I don't have to get a filling...
Posted by
6:14 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
New Slippers: Check; Digital Camera: TBA
Ok, so here's the deal...
Like many other nights, I am sitting in my car on campus leeching the school's wi-fi...
The school now has my transcript, and I got a new passport photo taken today by the lovely people down at the local Walgreens and have typed up a handy dandy list of "Christian activities" that I have done/participated in over the last 5 or so years...
That being said, I am one step closer to getting on a plane...
The administration is apparently trying to get me a missionary visa, which will last one year instead of three months like a tourist visa...
This means once I get it, I will not have to leave the country halfway through the semester in order to renew...
Which will be great when that day comes, but as for now, it is keeping me stuck in Cleveland...
Feeling disconnected from life here, I naturally want to vacate ASAP, but I am trying to be patient and enjoy my last days with good friends and family...
So, it takes roughly a week or 10 days to get my visa confimation number, then I have to go to a Korean embassy, which will be a long, frustrating day...
Maybe one day, people will read this blog...
I know Mom is...
Thanks, Mom...
You've done a good job over the years...
Well, world...
Time to try and be sleepy...
Posted by
1:27 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
A 192-Page Marathon
I guess since I signed up for this thing, I might as well use it...
I know I am not in Korea yet, but I figure this is quasi-cathartic/contemplative/emotionally beneficial, or whatever you want to call it...
So, for the time being, all of these will be about stuff I have done/thought about/experienced in Cleveland...
Today, my dear friend Jesse left for a two-and-a-half month hop across the pond to Cambridge...
I guess that means I won't see him until July (when I get back)...
This afternoon involved some tears on his part, and this evening on mine...
Just before he left, he gave me a copy of Tuesdays with Morrie, and today I went to Starbucks and ended up reading the whole thing...
Hence, the tears...
Anyways, Jesse, if/when you make your blog, just know that the book was phenomenal, and I took away some lessons/principles that I will hopefully implement in a long-term fashion...
Presently, I am trying to get my transcript to the principal at the school, so that I can get my visa number and bounce...
I will keep you updated on how this goes!
Posted by
12:20 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Ahem... Ahem... Testing...
Why yes, mom, I will make a blog so you can read it and cry after I go far away...
I love you, Mom...
I love you, Dad...
I love you, Brock...
Posted by
6:35 AM